Singles you must understand your basic role in marriage before you tie the knot!

Many married people are ignorant of what they should be doing in marriage, some who think they know are already confused. Very few couples understand their roles and are playing it well. Millions are already divorced for not knowing the difference between husband and wife's role in marriage.

A man as the head of the home is the provider.

Listen guys, you are to pay ALL the bills from house rent to NEPA bill to grocery to toiletries. That's your job. Your wife is only to ASSIST. It is not her primary responsibility to pay any bill. If you need financial assistance, ask politely and responsibly and she will and if she bluntly refuses based on reasons best known to her, so be it. You can encourage her, you can appeal to her, you can motivate her but you can't demand or force her to pay any bill. Thank you.

Your primary responsibility as a wife is to take care of the home from cooking to cleaning, to bathing and caring for the children to seeing that everyone is well dressed and taken care of. It is not your husband's primary responsibility to cook and bath the children. If you want him to assist, you can ask or appeal but you can't force him or demand that he MUST do what you ask him to do. He is not your servant, neither is he your son. Stop ordering your husband around.

The reason so many marriages are not working is because many are confused about their roles in marriage.

The husband thinks providing for the family is not 100% his responsibility, the wife thinks domestic chores is not her responsibility in marriage.

We are to help each other in marriage. Where the man needs financial assistance, assist him. Where your wife needs domestic help, assist her. That is why we get married. To help each other where we are weak.

But we must not abuse the help by pushing our primary responsibility to our spouses and forcing them to do things against their wish when they do not have the capacity or it is inconveniencing them, that is abuse not love! It is slavery not marriage! It is in plain language, witchcraft! Stop it!!

Stop taking your spouse for granted!

Appreciate them when they help you and pray for grace to carry out your roles without complain or bitterness.

With that, you will enjoy stress free, joy filled marriage and unnecessary struggles and power tussle will be a thing of the past.

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