28 Things To Keep To Yourself If You Want People To Respect You, According To Psychology.

Here’s a list of 28 things you should consider keeping to yourself if you want to maintain respect and credibility, based on psychological insights:

1. Your Financial Situation.
   • Sharing too much about your income, debt, or financial struggles can lead to judgment or envy. Keeping this information private can help maintain a sense of professionalism and respect.

2. Personal Relationships.
   • Details about your romantic relationships or family dynamics can be sensitive. Over sharing may lead to unwanted opinions or gossip, which can undermine your authority or respect.

3. Your Insecurities.
   • While vulnerability can foster connection, constantly expressing insecurities may cause others to view you as less confident. It’s often better to project self-assurance.

4. Your Ambitions and Goals.
   • While it’s important to share some goals, revealing every aspiration can lead to skepticism or pressure. Keeping certain ambitions private can allow you to pursue them without external judgment.

5. Past Mistakes.
   • Sharing too much about past failures or regrets can affect how others perceive you. It’s often best to focus on growth and learning rather than dwelling on the past.

6. Your Political or Religious Views.
   • These topics can be polarizing. Sharing strong opinions may alienate others or lead to conflict, so it’s wise to gauge the environment before discussing these matters.

7. Your Mental Health Struggles.
   • While mental health awareness is crucial, over sharing personal struggles can sometimes lead to stigma or misunderstanding. It’s important to choose trusted individuals for such discussions.

8. Gossip About Others.
   • Speaking negatively about others can reflect poorly on you. Maintaining a reputation for integrity and respect often means avoiding gossip and ... read more 

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