

The African proverb, "Even the best cooking pot will not produce food," serves as a poignant reminder of the crucial distinction between tools and the actions required to achieve results. It underscores that possessing the finest resources, …


"You are so moody today. Eish. What happened?" Mueni's work mate asked.  "I've got too much to do. I woke up late. I have this report that I need to submit by two in the afternoon. So please, I have no time for small talk" …

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Good day all, This is to announce to you that we are diversifying. Is not an easy decision but we think this will help us to serve you better. We have decided to be the WINGS business and organisations can use to comfortably fly and succeed in their …

What Happens When Your Die.

As human created by God most high, death is inevitable although we all pray never to die young so we can be able to achieve great goals in life. I have always asked people; When your life ends that's when you are no more in the surface of this ear…

A Christmas Blessing And Prayer For Breakthrough.

A Christmas Blessing And Prayer For Breakthrough. Our Book of scriptures perusing today is taken from the book of Prophet Isaiah section 9 refrain number 6. The holy book says; A youngster is brought forth us! A child is given to us! What's more, …

Divine Assurance - Finding Peace and Prosperity Amid Challenges.

Let Us Pray.  🙏🏻 As you wake up peacefully with the joy of the Lord, we agree together under the anointing of the Holy Spirit that:  🙏🏻No matter the outcome of these challenges, the favor of the Lord will speak for you; 🙏🏻 You will receive mer…

Today's Night Prayer Points: Say These Prayers Before Going To Bed.

Oh God take over my trouble and give me rest of mind. Father in heaven, I'm troubled both spirit, body, and soul. Let me not be defeated in Jesus' name, amen. My Father God, I have surrendered all my challenges to you, take over, take charge, …

Prayer For The Singles And Searching.

From this moment the gate that leads to happiness will not be closed against you. You shall have access to the heaven's tremendous breakthrough, and blessings and you will share striking testimonies with joy. Your ordained spouse will locate you a…

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