1. Woman who threatens you with a beak up after every little quarrel :- a woman who does that is simply not interested in you and lacks maturity, she's simply in your life to manipulate and exploit you, she doesn't love you that genuinely, her interests in you is centered upon what she benefits from you only.
2. A jobless but high maintainance woman :- if you have a woman who is jobless but very materialistic, she hates to work, very lazy, no skill and not ready to put in any efforts to do something for herself then she's off your list for marriage, such women are burdensome and a huge liability, keeping them in a long run is destructive.
3. She's not investing in the relationship :- Women are nurturers by default, they exhumes care, love and attention to what they love passionately, they give in their best and put in every single effort to show great love to it, any woman who doesn't act like a mother towards you is not serious.
4. Broke and lazy woman :- any woman who is broke but hardworking is not all that bad but a woman who is broke and still lazy is not worth keeping, throw her to the street.
5. A woman with bad mouth :- women who do not hold back to words during any slight quarrels, she insult you, bruise your ego, disrespect and say things without even thinking about the consequences of their words on your life, just use every and any words to destroy you, just avoid such women.
6. A violent woman :- any woman who is violent is not worthy of keeping, if she raises her hands on you,tries to combative, physical wants to abuse you, destroy properties etc, don't bother keeping her, in time to come she will force you to do the unbearable to her, stay away from women with a violent nature.
7. Woman with Anger issues :- Stay away from women who have anger issues, women who can't control their anger, they are dangerous species.
8. Disrespectful :- A woman who do not hold your words in high regards does not value you, woman who argues a lot, they are red flags.
9. Unsubmissive :- a woman who doesn't know how to be accommodate your positive standards, who always wants to be in charge and wants to dominate your life, a woman who sees submission as weakness, women who hates being dependent under a mans leadership, stay away from such women.
10. A feminist :- you already know.
11. A unaccountable bitch -: a woman who is not accountable willingly is not worth keeping, love abounds where they is order and transparency, if she's very secretive and private she's hiding something.
12. A manipulator :- women who are good in acting weak to exploit you, always taking advantage of your soft heartedness to hurt you or milk you dry, they would give you attitude just to make you reconsider your standard and force you to do everything just to meet up with their selfish demand.
13. A woman who is not empathy :- a woman who is not empathic will surely not compromise her standards just to make you feel at ease loving and living with her, she will not understand when you rough times and don't care about it, all she wants is that you consistently meet up and if you don't she leaves.
14. An unforgiving woman :- women who hardly forgives are totally off the book, they don't forgive and won't forgive you, the only time they forgive is when they have taken revenge, stay away from such women.
15. Impatience :- women who lacks patience will be a disaster, relationship thrives on the wings of patience.