Because you will need plenty of it in marriage. Those who say all that matters in marriage is love not money are not serious!

Will love pay your bills and put food on the table?

Let me talk to our guys. Listen to me, dear young man, don't let that lady manipulate you into marriage when you are not ready but age is fighting against her, because if you do, you are in for a shocker!

Women can sweet tongue you into what you don't want to do and blame you for being stupid to listen to them in the first place!

Women naturally respect men who have money. (Those who argue with this truth are hypocrites!)

Before any lady corner you and tie you down in forced matrimony, ask serious questions:

 1.  How much do you both earn monthly? How much  will you require to run your marriage monthly? Take inflation into consideration and calculate how much you will spend on rent, feeding, utility bills, transportation, medicals among others.


 2. Who pays the running bills monthly? The husband,  wife or both of you? At what percentage? 50/50, 60/40, 70/30? Discuss.


 3. For how long will you both work as salary earners? Any plan to invest in other businesses? What does it take? How much of your finance will go into it? What type of sacrifice will it require?


 4. Will you be saving monthly? How much?

 5. Will you be operating joint account, separate account or both joint and separate account?

 6. If you are doing business, how much does it generate monthly? How can you grow your monthly income?

 7. What is your yearly financial goals? How do you plan to achieve it?


 8. Do you believe in paying tithe, offerings and sowing special seeds and giving to the poor?


 9. What percentage of your income will be going to your parents or siblings monthly?

10. When children start coming, how much will you need to take good care of them monthly?

Plan your finances before getting married.  

Set up your self for financial growth not financial failure in marriage. Always think of ways to grow your income. Attend classes and seminars that will help in this regard.

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