"Don’t choose a partner solely for what they can offer that you DESIRE.
Select a partner who can fulfill what you TRULY REQUIRE.
Select a partner who can fulfill what you TRULY REQUIRE.
Essentials like Food, Shelter, and Clothing are what you REQUIRE.
A fancy breakfast in Paris, lunch in Cairo, and dinner in Tokyo, owning a mansion on an exclusive island, or flaunting luxurious jewelry are merely DESIRES.
Avoid committing to someone who promises to whisk you off around the globe (a Desire) but is unable to guide and support you in life (a Requirement).
Do not marry a woman who possesses an attractive appearance and desirable curves (what you DESIRE), but cannot bring you tranquility and support your life’s mission (what you REQUIRE).
Steer clear of partners who offer you opulence but fail to provide foundational joy, CALM, love, and closeness.
You REQUIRE a partner who won’t harm you, physically or emotionally.
You REQUIRE someone who respects you and is willing to reciprocate your regard.
If you marry someone who fulfills only your DESIRES but neglects your ESSENTIAL NEEDS, frustration and emptiness are inevitable.
But there’s a silver lining—God always provides the complete solution.
In God, there is a companion who will meet both your DESIRES and ESSENTIALS in harmony.
The key is to Wait, Pray, and Discern.
Above all, prioritize your needs.