1. Build female friendships more than your desperation for a love relationship. And when you start dating, don't make your partner the sole source of your happiness. Have friends. Make good friends. Have a life outside your partner. Your partner, no matter how good can not fill up your emotional void. 

2. Save as much as you like. Can't say this enough. Having too much money is never bad. 

3. Be independent before you get married. Spend time knowing what career path or purpose you wanna pursue in life.

4. Now is the time to try to relocate. Get to see the world beyond your nose.

5. Never ignore red flags in your relationship. They will magnify in marriage. 

6. Be given to self development. Learn something new. Soft skills abound. It could be as little as knowing how to research using Google. Or some hand skills. 

7. Have older friends in your tribe who can share with you their mistakes and guide you on the right path. This is because you'll avoid repeating their mistakes. 

8. Learn to say NO. Don’t be guilt tripped to say no when you hurt inside. 

9. Master the act of saving and investing. 

10. Take time to build yourself before you get married, and start having children. Do all you can before this. Get all the certifications, degrees, etc before you settle down.

11. Take out time to spoil yourself. Buy shoes, clothes, hair. Go on trips, vacations, or whatever you fancy. It doesn't have to be a lot of money, but start with 1K that you can spare. 

12. Don’t make decisions that would hurt another person. Don't make decisions that would hurt you. 

13. Learn to always put yourself first. Never be with a person who is inconsiderate of your feelings. 

14. Take care of your hygiene.

15. Your only purpose in life isn’t to be a wife, mother or get married. You’re made for something more. Find it. Trash out those misogynistic teachings of a woman only made for a man. Don’t focus on marriage as a life goal.

16. Have somebody who inspires or mentors. You don’t have to them know but let their lives, stories and achievements push you to do more for yourself.

17. If your parents didn’t have a good marriage, let their marriage make you do things better. Let your children be proud of the parent they'd have. 

18. Avoid lovemaking in your relationships as much as you can. Don't give your body to useless men. Learn body autonomy and be in control of your own body. Delay lovemaking as much as you can, because lovemaking can cloud your logical judgment and make you take irrational decisions. Have lovemaking when you’re ready for the consequences. 

18. Don’t waste time brooding over your mistakes or your past. Let it go. Don’t live your life being guilty. Forgive yourself for all the times you failed yourself. 

19. Know God personally. Let his love and security reign in your life. 

20. Build yourself emotionally. Marriage doesn’t solve loneliness. Love yourself. Be self content.

And finally, build your body and self autonomy.

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