Sex is sweet, but the consequence of lack of sexual discipline is destruction
Many lives and destinies have been cut short and ruined just because they have no control over their sexual urge.
Many men are in prison today just because they have no control over their sexual appetite.
A man who lacks sexual discipline is already a dead man because he is one step closer to his doom.
Let me tell you a mystery: the cheapest way the devil destroys men is through sex; if he has tried every possible route to get you down and fails, his last resort is to send a woman your way most of the time for sexual pleasure.
Study great men and find out how they were brought down, it's always through women (sex).
You will joke with this now but you will learn the hard way.
Any man with sexual discipline is truly a man with superpowers; he can't be conquered easily.
It's not every woman that you must pipe; learn to say no to some sex, and don't make it a point of duty to always say yes to your erections.
Don't allow a five-minute pleasure to destroy your life, brothers.
Your penis is your enemy until you know how to control it.
When you ask a girl out for sex and she refuses, don't force it; put on your clothes and move on.