1. Play with your husband. Don’t be too serious always. Put romance and playfulness in your daily schedule. Look for ways to laugh together. Say something funny and do something funny.

2. Invite and Take a bath with your husband, especially at night. Enjoy the pleasure of bathing together. Showering with your spouse is sweet, intimate, and a great way to get fully comfortable with each other’s bodies. Tell him to help you scrub your back as you bathe together. Play together in the bathroom.

3. Give your husband a serious shoulder, back, and neck massage in the bathroom, bedroom, and living room as often as possible. You don’t need to be an expert to give your spouse a good message. Ask your spouse to lie on his body.

4. Say “I love you” to your husband often. Tell him and show him you love him so much. It is not only women that are moved by what they hear. Men are moved by what they hear too.

5. Call, Or Send A Romantic Text Message To Your Husband. Call, email, or send a romantic text message to him when you’re apart so he knows you are thinking of him. Call him on phone whenever he goes out just to say, “I love you”, and you can’t wait to see him back home. Do it now!

6. When your husband comes back from the office, meet him as if this is what you have been waiting for all day. Smile at him. Give him a kiss and a hug. Don’t have a sour face. Smile when you see him always and welcome him home with a hug. Let him know you are happy to see him. Help him unbutton his shirt as he undresses after an outing.

7. When last did you buy a gift for your husband? Surprise him with a fun gift of some kind that he’d enjoy having this month. Buy him a new set of underwear. Buy him new pair of socks, belts, shoes, shirts, trousers, wristwatch or handset. Nothing is too small or big to give to your dear husband.

8. Give your “Husband of the Year Award”, “Father of the Year Award” or “Lover of the Year Award”. Organize a special ceremony to celebrate this. Dedicate any award you receive or any book you write to your spouse.

9. Celebrate his birthday elaborately. Don’t take his birthday for granted. Call his friends, your friends, and your families to remind them of his birthday. Tell them to call and pray for him.

10. Never allow family members or friends to treat him disrespectfully: Defend him before anyone who dishonors him or trivializes his position as your husband.

11. Appreciate his efforts. Men like to be appreciated. Nothing provokes a man to perform than appreciation.

12. Cook his food promptly. Specially serve him. Treat him like a king. Serve your husband as your king. Special plates are for your husband, not for your pastor or visitors.  Don’t just cook his food alone, serve it specially. Don’t delegate it to someone else. Treat him like a VIP. Treat him like a special guest on the dining table.

13. Dress to attract your husband always. Every man loves a good-looking and attractive woman.  Don’t stop looking good because you are now married. Walk like a beauty queen. Put on a smiling face, and properly compose yourself. Get attractive wear (gown) for private use. Invest in sexy attires that turn him on when you are with him.

14. Support his vision and buy books that pertain to his career and vision for him: PRAY FOR YOUR HUSBAND ALWAYS. Believe in your husband. Make him know that you believe in him and his vision. Be his number-one fan.

15. Make your bedroom a sex sanctuary. Keep it clean, neat, and smelling fresh at all times. Don’t use your bedroom as a place to throw your dirty laundry.

16. Continue to show love to your husband, even if you don’t receive it. God who sees your efforts will touch his heart. When God steps in, miracles happen. (Galatians 6:9).

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