Towards the end of 2016, my wife shared her business idea with me. Her excitement about the business idea inspired me to give her my total support and make a personal research about the business before we invested our money into it.
In January, 2017, I started searching seriously for an office to rent for the business. Finally we got a good one, paid for it and started the business in February 2017.
Today, the business has grown and still growing beyond our expectations because I encouraged her and gave her my total support! I want her to follow her dreams, so I support her in practical ways and She is happy.
If you want to have a happy marriage, you've got to have a happy partner.
One of the most common complaints I have encountered in my counseling office has been the wives who say, "My husband is not supportive."
Husband, one of the best gifts you can give your wife is to unconditionally support her to achieve her dreams and visions. Help her build her dream. Show interest in that which she values as important in her life. Show enthusiasm for the things that she’s excited about—let your actions show it.
Don't be afraid to support your wife. Stop being rivalries and competitive. Let her pursue her passion. Let her live her dreams. My wife is working and pursuing her dreams and she enjoys my 100% support in her career. She is happy and fulfilled. Every real man will love to see his wife happy, grow in wisdom, strength and in her career
Listen to your wife as she shares her dream with you. Supporting your wife requires time, energy, effort, finance and sacrifice on your part. Your wife can achieve anything in life if you give her your unwavering support and encouragement.
Don’t sweep her dreams under the carpet because you are now her husband. Marriage is not a terminator of dream. A woman's dreams and plans should not die because she is married.
Promote the skills, ideas and gifts of your woman. Your woman's progress shouldn't be a threat to you. God didn't bring her into your life to kill her abilities but to promote them.
You should be able to work together, so that you can both follow your dreams and share them together.
Take the time to talk to her about her job and give her advice when necessary.
She will appreciate it.
Shingles, Listen to me, If your partner is not in support of your dreams, please don’t force him/her to stay,because you may regret it later. It is unreasonable to bury your dream in life, because someone does not like it or believe in it.
A Christian brother told his fiancee that she must stop her singing ministry after their wedding, because he wanted her to be a full-time house wife. The sister broke up the relationship and moved on with her life, because that was what God had called her todo. Today, she is married to a man who is in support of her calling.
It's impossible to have a healthy relationship with someone who is not comfortable with your dream in life. Your dream is your life. Whether it is becoming a world class singer, an award winning author, finishing a college, going to university, becoming a world class entrepreneur, your partner should never ask you to give up your dreams for him/her. Love is not a terminator of a dream. You should be able to work together, so that you can both follow your dreams and share them together. Believe it or not, youdon’t have to sacrifice your career in order to have a thriving love life.
Lastly, Work as a team. Teamwork improves your marriage, brings you and your spouse closer together, lightens your loads and increases your love. If you desire a great marriage, you and your spouse must work together as a team.