How To Make Your Marriage A Win-win Union.

1. Support each other's personal dream. Don't let it be that only one of you is progressing education wise, professionally or in their calling.

2. Avoid cultural practices that only favour one of you. Culture is created by human beings and it can be wrong. Take the good, discard the unfair ones.

3. Listen to each other. Both your ideas and opinions matter.

4. Don't take a back seat when your spouse is contributing. Play your part to avoid burn out on one of you.

5. Let your house have both your personalities and preferences. The house design and activities should not be dominated by one person. Both of you should feel at home.

6. Don't do the sex position that only one of you enjoys. Incorporate both of your favourites.

7. Put both of your strengths into good use in the marriage. Create a formidable team.

8. Don't see the opposite gender as a threat, useless, or competition. You are both unique. There is too much gender stereotypes ruining marriages.

9. Listen to each other's complaints and apply the requests to improve your marriage.

10. Avoid revenge. Don't seek to keep scores. Embrace accommodation, learning and forgiveness.

11. Don't only think of your emotions, consider each other
12. Help and serve each other. Attend to each other's needs.

13. Protect your union from outside voices who want you to pull in different directions.

14. Avoid being selfish or seeking only your win, always ask yourself, "How does this affect my spouse?".

15. Share the pain of losses together; it's not just winning together but rising together.

Many more blessings in your marriage, amen.

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