Someone told a sister that she can't wait to finally be married so that she will rest and be happy.
What she doesn't know is that marriage is beyond pyjama pictures. It is beyond all these videos that content creators create.
In marriage, we cook and think of what to cook. We clean and continue to clean countless times when kids come. We change diapers and clean bum bum.
We pay bills and think of ways to make money. We fight and settle fights. We are offended till we get tired of getting angry and have no other choice than to forgive.
Some Singles can't wait to finally be married to be happy and free.
We think that we will finally rest after getting married.
But I’m sorry to break it to you that it is not marriage that will give you happiness. It is your happiness that you bring into the marriage.
If you are an unhappy person, marriage will reveal it more just like it does with every other thing.
This is why we are encouraged to live in the moment and be happy as much as we can. Don't postpone your happiness because your expectations might be cut short.
Life is in stages and every stage comes with its challenges.
When you were a kid, you couldn't wait to become an adult because you wanted to be free to go out and do whatever you wanted.
Now you are an adult and bills want to end you, you now say adulthood is scam. It's not, you just didn't understand life.
As a Single, your current challenge is how to connect with a life partner because you're tired of meeting coconut heads. Also, the pressure is getting wiser.
You think when you finally connect with the person you'll be free but no, you'll graduate into marriage and start facing another set of challenges.
It's the way life was designed, nothing strange. To move higher, you must pass an exam so live in the moment and be happy.
It is not marriage that gives happiness, it is the individuals in it that create a happy home.