19 Truths About Being Horny.

1. Being horny is not evil or a sin.
2. Blessed are you when you are married to a spouse who is often horny for you.

3. One of the things that reduces horniness in marriage is frequent and prolonged arguments.

4. It is not men alone who are horny creatures. Women too get horny, some women get extra horny during ovulation; their body just wants to be touched, they are very wet.

5. A lot of men wake up horny ready for love making. Dear wife, attend to his penis erection.

6. Sometimes horniness can get so much till someone can't function well. This is why marriage offers a release.

7. One of the major challenges of long-distance marriages is that when you get horny, your spouse is far away. Address this by calling each other and flirting together over the phone in moments of horniness and when you finally are together, explode and explore your horniness on each other.

8. It hurts when you are horny but your spouse turns you down. It is one of the worst forms of rejection in life.

9. Some women get super horny as they mature in their forties and fifties, during this age, a woman can be more assertive sexually. Enjoy while the horniness lasts.

10. Horniness is a reminder that sex was created for more than just conceiving babies but as an activity of love between a man a woman.

11. One can be a strong Christian and also a very horny, sexual and sensual person. Don't be ashamed of your horniness it's natural.

12. The answer to horniness in marriage is not to ignore it, but to address it and give it a release by having sweet sex with your partner.

13. Couples who are horny but with little love making tend to be edgy and easily irritable.

14. Some contraception can affect the level of a woman's horniness.

15. Horniness is tied to your view of your spouse, if you have a negative view, horniness will decrease.

16. Just because you are horny doesn't mean you pick up your phone and start entertaining, chatting and calling other people who are not your spouse.

17. As you age, you might be tempted to look for younger people to experiment on your horniness in affairs. Stop it. This is not a game.

18. Control your horniness or your horniness will control you leading to lust.

19. Another definition of spouse is 'The one who attends to my horniness'.

I will a marriage of your desire.

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