Free Classified Ads

Good day all,

This is to announce to you that we are diversifying.

Is not an easy decision but we think this will help us to serve you better.

We have decided to be the WINGS business and organisations can use to comfortably fly and succeed in their endeavors.

We are now FREE CLASSIFIED ADS website, this rebranding is a tough decision for us but because you are our number one fans, we have your success and progress in mind always, we have taken the decision to promote your business and services here for free.

There's no registration or promotion fees required for now, and I urge you to take advantage of this golden opportunity to promote your business, post job vacancies available in your organization, and promote your services here for free to our audience of 969,000 monthly visitors.

Contact Admin on WhatsApp +234913 403 7083 or send it to our email   for your listing using the following details;

1. Products name and categories eg clothes, shoes, bag, furniture, kitchen utensils, vehicles, food store, job vacancy. 
If your listing is not in any of these categories we will put it in General.

2. Include email address and your contact number, your number must be in international format, I mean you should include your country code eg +23400000000
Don't send us your with any link attached, it will automatically be rejected.

3. You should not forget to include clean picture of your products at least 2 picture. Is not compulsory to send us pictures for job openings but it's compulsory for those that wants to sell their products, remember this will make your products to attract more attention and increase leads.

Note. Downloaded picture from the internet will push us to automatically reject your listing. Send us a bright picture of your products and services.

4. Products description: It must be at least 100 words. (AI generated and plagiarized contents will automatically be rejected)

Carefully follow the instructions above and we will list your promotion in less than 24 hours.

Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‡

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