Do you lose your money, or do you receive a link from your email claiming to be from your bank? Or a text message claiming to be from your bank representative? Don't panic about how to tackle the fraudster, with these tips, you can easily overcome their traps.
To prevent such loss(es) in the future, we advise that you please:
Notify the Bank immediately, in the event of the loss of your card.
Keep your PIN/password safe and secure, ensuring that all security access features attached to your card/token are known to you only.
Never respond to emails requesting your confidential financial information and login credentials in the guess of resetting your password, validating your BVN, etc.
Be suspicious of emails with links asking for your Debit Card details, User ID, and password. It is advisable not to access websites through such links but rather, type the web address directly into your browser to access the desired website.
Note that YOUR BANK/CBN/NIBISS would never request your confidential account credentials over the phone.
Endeavor to always verify the authenticity of the website to which you supply your card details.
Notify the Bank as well as your Telecom Providers immediately, in the event of the loss of your telephone line.
When in doubt, please get in touch with your Bank Customer Care immediately.
Use this advice to protect yourself and your loved ones from the financial damages this could bring to you.