1. Boys are reckless with sex; but a man gives sex the respect and honor it deserves.

2. Girls are emotionally unstable; but a woman masters her emotions, her emotions don't mislead her.

3. Boys think they are strong and want to prove they are strong so they hit and beat up females; but a man knows he is strong and uses his strength to cover and protect females.

4. Girls enter into a relationship because they want to be given, it's about her; but a woman enters into a relationship not just to be given but to give, she finds pleasure in giving, it's about mutual love.

5. Boys chase after females because to them a female's heart is just a toy, her body is the trophy; but a man commits to a woman because to him a female's heart is a treasure, her body is a vessel of honor.

6. Girls spend all their life dreaming about a wedding, the wedding is the height of it all; but a woman dreams about her marriage, she knows a wedding is just a colorful door to a life of love and family. Plan a wedding, build a marriage.

7. A boy listens as his boys insult his woman, as they belittle her and instruct him on how to put her in her place, mwanamke asimkalie; but a man defends his woman, he will not allow her to be disrespected by anyone.

8. A girl breaks up a relationship quickly at the first experience of a trial, challenges confuse her and she suddenly quits; but a woman holds on, she works out issues, she knows that challenges come to test and perfect love.

9. A boy can't handle correction especially from a female, he sees females as the weaker sex, his ego makes him proud; a man allows himself to be vulnerable to his Queen, he empowers his woman to give him advise, insight and correction, he sees his woman as a Queen he cannot do without.

10. A girl is governed by tit for tat mannerisms, and keeps hoping on karma, she finds it beneath her to forgive. If her man does her wrong, she will do him wrong, if he gives her less she will give him less; but a woman knows tit for tat and revenge missions in a relationship only add poison, she knows herself and plays the bigger person, she forgives and inspires him to love by being love to him. And if the wrong he has done is too great, she'd rather walk away than revenge.

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