If he's showing these signs, he probably does not have plans to marry you.
1. He's carefully keeping your relationship with him a secret. Nobody must know that he's dating you. He even warned you not to mention it to anyone, especially any member of your family, or any authority figure in your lives, like a mentor or your pastor.
How can you be dating a man for two years or more, and no member of your family knows about him? You're wasting your time.
2. He always threatens to break up with you anytime you have a misunderstanding or quarrel.
He doesn't value your presence in his life.
Men marry who they value, not who they have sex with frequently.
3. Whenever there's a misunderstanding, he will never be the first person to call. If you don't call, he will never call you. You're always the person to initiate a process of reconciliation, whenever there's a quarrel. He's never bothered. He's even happier anytime both of you are not in talking terms.
4. He gets angry anytime you ask him his plans for you.
Someone you've dated for four years should not be scared to have such a conversation with you.
When a man avoids certain conversations, it is because he doesn't consider you the right person to have that conversation with.
5. He doesn't know anything about you, and he doesn't care. He doesn't ask about your family, background or what you do for a living.
There are questions that a man who is genuinely interested in you should never forget to ask.
6. He's not pushing you to improve yourself.
It doesn't bother him that you didn't go to school, or that you don't have a skill. This is because he's not seeing you in his future. A man who sees you as his future partner will do everything to make sure you develop yourself for that future. He will motivate you to improve yourself.
7. He's not jealous about you. When a man is jealous about you, he protects you.
Jealousy, for a man, is not being possessive, it's being protective. He wants to be involved in your life, he wants to be there for you always, so he can protect you from making certain mistakes.
8. He exposes you to destructive lifestyles.
Both of you drink, smoke and do all kinds of destructive things together.
No man, especially an African man, that has plans of marrying you, will be comfortable with you smoking or doing drรผgs, except the man is crazy.
9. He avoids meeting any member of your family.
He has never visited you in your family house, you only meet in his house, or in a hotel.
The only people that see both of you together are his friends or your friends. He only introduces you to people that cannot demand accountability from him.
10. He's very comfortable with you having abรดrtions for him. How long have you dated him, and you have already had 5 abรดrtions for him. He doesn't care if you lose your life, or damage your womb. He's not going to marry you after all.
11. You're already living with him, and doing everything a wife should be doing.
As long as a man is no longer chasing you, he will soon lose interest in you.
Men enjoy the chase. A wise woman will intentionally be scarce. If you're too available for him, you will lose your value.
Cohabiting with a man who is not your husband reduces your value as a lady.
12. There is no sacrifice in your relationship. No commitment.
He only does things when it's convenient for him.
13. There is a chance he may still marry you, with all these signs.
But that only shows the kind of family both of you will build.
Birds of a feather, flock together.
You actually got what you deserve.
The kind of man you choose to marry, shows your standards as a woman.
I'm only concerned.
I don't want you to waste your time dating a man who has no plans of marrying you, except both of you are just having fun, and you're okay with it.
I hope this is helpful!