Ladies, no matter your age, relax. Don't panic! Don't fret! Don't throw yourself at men. Don't jump at any man that looks your way. Pray seek counsel, seek God's will before accepting any marriage proposal. Don't allow peer pressure push you into the wrong marriage. Don't allow your parents push you. They won't be there to suffer with you. You will suffer alone and they will still blame you for marrying the wrong man.
If you are having spiritual battles, don't sit down, fold your arms and watch till menopause hits. Time will not destroy spiritual battles for you, active warfare will. Until, you rise up and deal with those spiritual forces fighting against your marital destiny, you may not marry. That is the truth.
I know you've heard the testimonies of ladies who miraculously got married in their forties and fifties after decades of being single. The miracle didn't happen while they were sleeping, watching Telemundo or simply folding their arms. They prayed, they fasted, they read, they sought counselling till they overcame.
Don't sit and watch sis. Some battles need spiritual violence! "The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and violence taketh it by force!" Your marital kingdom may take violence to snatch from the hands of spiritual spouse, generational curses, covenants, spell, witchcraft manipulation and soul tie.
On the flip side are ladies in their twenties already jumping from pillar to post, claiming they are experiencing marital delay, jumping from one man's arm to another and ending up being used and dumped. Relax sis...relax! In my opinion, you are not experiencing marital delay till you are 35. I did not say you should marry at 35. Early marriage is good. Read it again, early marriage is good but if no man is showing interest yet, and you do not have major spiritual battles to deal with, why not read Ecclesiastes 3, get busy with your vision, business, career, training, education, etc? The right man will locate you. Men want women who are busy adding values to their lives and the lives of others, not the one who wait idly for a man to come and rescue them.
Lastly, if you chose to marry at a particular time, like I chose willingly to marry at 30 because I enjoyed serving the Lord with my single years, you are on the right track. You have no problem at all. When the Lord sees that you are now ready for the great man he has prepared for you, he will bring Him to you. Relax you have no problem sis.
Whether spiritual battles or not. We all must seek the Lord's face on how to handle our challenges instead of worrying and fretting (Proverbs 3:5-7). Worry helps no one. It only makes one do silly things.
This post also apply to men. Men also experience marital delay and honestly, it is not fun. You should also apply the lessons taught in this post.
I love you so much and I deeply care.
You shall not experience satanic marital delay in Jesus' name!
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Thanks for reading. God bless you. Cheers!