If you are dating or courting to marry someone with whom you have to put up a certain kind of behavior, or makes you live a certain kind of way that isn't the natural you, please reconsider that relationship again and really think about whether it is something you would want to do for the rest of your life, because forever is a long time to fake a life or fake an attitude to keep your partner happy.
Please listen to me early,
You don't deserve to be with someone who always makes you feel like you have to perform. All that pressure on you to speak the right grammar, say the right things, have the right etiquette, go where they want you to go, do what they say and when they say, withdraw to your own opinion, and live a life that is completely different from who you are because you have to act that way to be with them.
A relationship based on performance will never last.
If you are not with someone who gives you the freedom to be yourself, then you are not in a relationship, what you have signed up for is a performance ship, which is the pressure to meet a certain set of expectations that your spouse has created for you. Sorry, I cannot perform before my boss and come home to perform before my spouse too. I cannot perform before my parents and come home to perform before my spouse too. I cannot hold my fart in the bus and hold my fart when I'm with you again. I cannot eat with a fork at the restaurant and not be free to eat with my hands when I'm alone with you. I cannot be with a partner that makes me walk on an egg shell.
I can show respect to the fried chicken when we are having lunch at the mall, but when we are having a meal at home those chicken bones must rest in peace. Can you let me communicate the way I want to without correcting my grammar every single time? If I wanted to marry an English teacher I would have dated a Montessori. Can you stop putting me under unnecessary pressure to memorize Bible verses when we are at home? When I don't want to feel like I am with my Pastor when I'm with you. I need you to be my partner, with you is where I am supposed to live my free-est life.
Be in a relationship with the person you can truly be yourself with.
If I cannot be myself when I'm with you then I cannot be with you, it's that simple. I need a place of rest after performing for the world.