Don't stress it too much beloved, disagreements will come, little tiny quarrels, very unnecessary misunderstandings, swingy moody fights, some
that actually do make sense, and some that... don’t really make any sense at all, still we will fight over them in marriage anyway, it's all a part of the journey.
These are five things you will surely fight about in your marriage. I'm sharing this to prepare your heart to be open about them, not to expect them really, but to be relaxed when they come, knowing that you already have an action plan to work through these tiny issues like the powerful believer that you are.
1. You're constantly pointing fingers:
You will find yourselves blaming each other for who ruined the vacation or whose fault it was that you were late for the dinner party.
Bae will take too long with her makeup, she can't help it so just relax uncle.
Boo will grumble and procrastinate before getting ready, he can't help it too. But you both have to keep maturing by learning to take more responsibility for your actions, rather than dumping your responsibilities on your partner.
2. You grumble over chores:
We all have these fights; You feel like your partner never does the dishes, or he's constantly leaving the toilet seat up.
As you probably guessed, it's never really just about that domestic dispute. It may look like dirty socks on the
floor, but you're feeling like the other person isn't appreciating your contributions at all. This will happen, but when it does, do not try to get dominance over your partner. Instead of fighting over socks, talk about needing to feel valued and ask for help with chores around the house. The goal is to become a better team, not better opponents.
3. You're hiding shopping bags, I mean, money:
Even if you graduated from Harvard with a first class in money management, my dear you will argue about money. Why? Because we all have different ways we like to spend our money.
Sometimes you may even hide to buy stuff for yourself because your partner doesn't want the money spent that way but he or she won't understand that you have a need for that stuff. Other times you will secretly send money home, or bail your siblings out of a financial fix on a lowkey. The secret? Be on the same page on budgeting. If you and your partner are on the same page about budgeting, It will help so much in preventing the money fights and arguments.
4. You try to ignore problems — but vent your anger in other ways.:
Giving your partner the silent treatment and keeping frustration pent up inside isn't going to fix whatever is bothering you. These fights are really unhealthy, it is like indirectly letting your partner know that you don’t care how they feel, if they are hurt, or what happens. If you're not willing to let this stuff out and talk about it, then please do not transfer aggression on something else your partner does.
Don’t scream about his dirty socks when actually you have been angry about the fact that he came home late yesterday. Talk about today’s problems today, be angry about today’s hurts today. Then please move on, thank you.
5. You have different love making styles:
There will be times when one partner will associate sex with a time to be held, cuddled, and feel affection. At other times, one partner will be feeling already close and sex to that partner is not a way to feel any closer, because to him or her, you are already close, when all the while all the other partner needs to feel close to you is sex.
Prepare for these different seasons guys, be prepared to
meet too many needs with sex in your marriage. Do not keep the other guessing what sex needs you are craving for at the moment, always communicate your feelings like best friends.